Sports Court Complex

Estimated Cost: $2.97 million
Location: North Santa Cruz Park

12-16 additional pickleball courts, 10-12 new handball / racquetball courts, and 8-10 gaga ball pits, all public, with lighting, seating, restrooms, and supporting features are planned to be installed at North Santa Cruz Park.

Sports Court Complex Sample Rendering

DISCLAIMER: To optimize the allocation of public funds for these projects, the actual construction may differ from the representations depicted in the supporting visual materials. Such visual materials are presented for informational purposes only.

Project Impact

The addition of publicly accessible courts is expected to provide the community with additional opportunities for game play, including specialty programming like clinics and tournaments.

Project Background

The 10-year Parks and Recreation Master Planreleased in 2023 and informed by public input, national benchmarks, a review of local inventory, and analysis of current and future usage — identified improvements to existing parks and facilities as key community projects. Based on projected population growth in Sahuarita, additional courts would help to maintain residents' access to recreational facilities.