Police Department Building Expansion

Estimated Cost: $7.5 million
Location: Town of Sahuarita Police Department Building

A two-story addition to the north wing of the Police Department building to accommodate Police Department growth for the next 10-15 years. The expansion includes replacement of major mechanical systems that are nearing the end of their useful life. Additional parking facilities with a solar array are also expected.

Police Department Building Expansion Rendering

DISCLAIMER: To optimize the allocation of public funds for these projects, the actual construction may differ from the representations depicted in the supporting visual materials. Such visual materials are presented for informational purposes only.

Project Impact

Enhancements to the current Police Department Building are designed to enhance operational efficiency by providing the space needed for more officers to serve the growing community while reducing the need for construction of a new police building for many years.

The solar array would include a battery backup system intended to provide uninterrupted operation of emergency services during power outages by keeping communications equipment operational. A secondary benefit of the solar array would be the provision of covered parking to help protect police assets from weather damage.   

Project Background

The Police Department building was completed in 2008. At that time, the Town had a population of just over 22,000 people. In 2024, Town population exceeds 36,000, an increase of almost 65%. As the Town has grown, patrol, investigations, and other services have expanded resulting in more individuals working in the original Police Department building; however, available space has not increased.

Additionally, some of the significant building systems, such as HVAC, telecommunications, and electrical are at their end of life or need upgrades to improve performance, provide security and regulatory compliance, and enhance reliability.