Public Works Maintenance Building

Estimated Cost: $4.94 million
Location: West of Twin Buttes Park

Construction of a 2,900 square foot office/administrative space and a 1,500 square foot two-bay garage facility where Public Works staff can perform fleet maintenance operations for Public Works vehicles plus store equipment and materials. The project also includes a solar array to generate power for the facility while providing covered space for vehicles, equipment, and other materials.

Public Works Maintenance Building Rendering

DISCLAIMER: To optimize the allocation of public funds for these projects, the actual construction may differ from the representations depicted in the supporting visual materials. Such visual materials are presented for informational purposes only.

Project Impact

A centralized Public Works facility is expected to allow for effective management, coordination, and execution of maintenance tasks, ultimately leading to better-maintained streets and infrastructure.

Project Background

The Public Works Streets Division does not currently have dedicated office, storage, or maintenance facilities, which is negatively impacting the efficiency of the department, including response times during emergencies. Due to the rising costs of vehicle and equipment maintenance, the Streets Division undertook fleet maintenance of all Town vehicles assigned to Public Works, Community Development, and the Town Manager’s office. However, the types of tasks the Streets Division can perform are limited due to the lack of proper garage facilities.

Budget analysis has shown that in-house maintenance reduces labor costs and allows the Town the benefit of purchasing parts and supplies directly, often leading to additional savings. In-house maintenance allows for better control over scheduling, such that vehicle and equipment maintenance is prioritized to minimize disruptions to operations. It also allows the Streets Division to address issues immediately, reducing downtime and improving turnaround times for repairs and maintenance.